Odell Group can create or upgrade your sale, survey, product offers, event, or newsletter emails quickly and easily with our incredibly responsive, ready-made email templates.
Our sister company, CyberSite, has a selection of INTENSE-based, email templates that come loaded with all kinds of Bootstrap features, functions, and components. The templates have trending layouts that are completely responsive, highly flexible, and dynamic.
CyberSite can customize your template so that the email will perfectly reflect your brand identity, help make it easier for your customers to use, and increase your sales conversion potential.
Let's get started... Ready. Set. Browse!
View a live demo of our 2-column generic, responsive email. If it doesn’t have all the features you want or need, don't worry! All of our email templates can be mixed and matched with other components that will give your customers the complete email experience you're seeking.
Send us a "Start A Project" Customization Quote Request.
We'll get back to you right away to discuss your project in full, and give you an estimate for work to be done. You'll find that CyberSite is very affordable, work is always done quickly, and the finished email delivered on time and ready for your next eBlast. Oh, by the way... if you don't want to do your own emails, we can create and produce email campaigns for you that are ready to be sent out by your preferred email service provider. Click to get a quote >> START A PROJECT
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 661-269-2398, or email to CyberCenter@CyberSite.net.
We create our designs with the end user — your customers — at the forefront of our mind. Templates can be easily customized to fit needs, objectives, and budgets, providing you with a powerful presence that will help attract, engage, convert and retain loyal customers. With our solutions, you can easily get your email campaign started quickly.
Poorly conceived content equals poor results, loss of customer retention, and a negative ROI. Our clients look to us to plan, organize, and write content for email campaigns that work. We deliver copy and visual content that motivates readers to immerse themselves in your message, encourages them to take specific action, and helps convert them to a sale.
Our templates are coded to be extremely responsive, retina ready, and adapt to just about every device on the market today. The base demo template can be mixed and matched with other features, functions, and imagery.
Ready to develop your online marketing strategy? We have email templates ready for you to use right away, or we can customize one for you and you can take it from there (Or not! If you don't want to touch any of your customized templates, we're here to take care of all your needs including creative, development, coding, implementation, and maintenance for websites, landing pages, email campaigns, and more.)